Monday, June 28, 2010

Obedience At All Times

Luke 12:48 says "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded." (NIV) The (NLT) version says it like this "When someone has been given much, much will be required in return."

In today's day and age, there is a lot of focus on self. It appears the preponderances of many people's thoughts have to do with "me, myself, and I!" Not only that but it appears that many sermons that are preached on Sunday mornings focus on self as well. ie. you having victory, you're an over comer, you being delivered, you walking into your inheritance, you walking in purpose etc. etc. etc. Although I don't deprecate messages that help Christian believers overcome in their personal lives, the body of Christ must have a balanced perspective. In my opinion, this balanced perspective is an awareness that there is more to the Christian faith than "YOU BEING SPIRITUALLY SUCCESSFUL" and that with spiritual blessings or promotion, comes responsibility.

In my opinion, one of the most important disciplines to maintain during any season of personal spiritual success is an obedient spirit towards the Lord. Why? Because when a person is blessed, it is easy for them to forget about the Lord. The time needed to be still and maintain an open heart and ear towards the Lord's leading is replaced with an indulgence in the blessings.

Let's remember to not only remember the Lord in difficult times, but to serve him and obey him during times of success and triumph.

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