What follows is a summary of the main points Andrew Wommack makes in chapter 3 of his book "Spirit, Soul, and Body." Chapter 3 is entitled "Renew, Acknowledge, and Experience" Mr. Wommack makes the following assertions:
1. Under the New Covenant, we have all received (past tense) His fullness. John 1:16. (pg. 17)
2. As a believer, God gave you everything when you were born again. Old things passed away, and all thing became new. In your spirit, you received the same measure of faith, the same power, the same wisdom, and the same ability as every other Christian. Our spirits are all identical to the Lord Jesus Christ in every way. Your spirit isn't in the process of growing and maturing because it's already complete; you've already got everything. (pg. 18)
3. The rest of your Christian life should be spent learning how to manifest in the physical realm what's already in your born-again spirit. The way your faith becomes effective, productive, and operative is by acknowledging every good thing in you (your spirit) in Christ. (pg. 18)
4. When you were born again, God put His power, anointing, victory, joy, peace-everything-in you in abundance. The only reason they aren't manifest in your soul and body is your unrenewed mind. (pg. 19)
5. Therefore, its your mind, your thoughts, your attitudes that determine whether you experience victory and the life of God in your spirit or the defeat and death of the fallen natural realm.(pg 20)
6. As you continually look into the Lord's spiritual mirror, you'll begin to see and experience yourself for who you really are. (pg.21)