I was reminded of this principle while reading a story today. In the story, a family was getting ready to take a road trip and their car broke down. When the car was taken to the shop, the mechanic said "good thing you didn't take this car on a road trip becasue it could have caught fire."
Many times in life, when something impedes our progress or detours us altogether, we get upset or discouraged because we didn't accomplish our goal or desired outcome. Well, was that detour a blessing in disguise like the car breaking down prior to the family road trip in the story above?
We must remember that God ALWAYS knows what is best. His ways are not our ways and thoughts are not our thoughts. (Isaiah 5:8-9) True faith, trust, and dependence on God is exemplified when we allow him to direct our paths, even when his direction seems undesirable or irrational to us. (Proverbs 3:3-6)
The bottom line is: I much rather fulfill God's plan and purpose for my life instead of my own because his way produces much more fruit!