Thursday, August 29, 2019

Spirit Soul Body - Andrew Wommack - Chapter 3

What follows is a summary of the main points Andrew Wommack makes in chapter 3 of his book "Spirit, Soul, and Body."  Chapter 3 is entitled "Renew, Acknowledge, and Experience"  Mr. Wommack makes the following assertions:

1. Under the New Covenant, we have all received (past tense) His fullness. John 1:16. (pg. 17)

2. As a believer, God gave you everything when you were born again. Old things passed away, and all thing became new.  In your spirit, you received the same measure of faith, the same power, the same wisdom, and the same ability as every other Christian. Our spirits are all identical to the Lord Jesus Christ in every way. Your spirit isn't in the process of growing and maturing because it's already complete; you've already got everything. (pg. 18)

3. The rest of your Christian life should be spent learning how to manifest in the physical realm what's already in your born-again spirit. The way your faith becomes effective, productive, and operative is by acknowledging every good thing in you (your spirit) in Christ. (pg. 18) 

4. When you were born again, God put His power, anointing, victory, joy, peace-everything-in you in abundance. The only reason they aren't manifest in your soul and body is your unrenewed mind. (pg. 19)

5. Therefore, its your mind, your thoughts, your attitudes that determine whether you experience victory and the life of God in your spirit or the defeat and death of the fallen natural realm.(pg 20)

6. As you continually look into the Lord's spiritual mirror, you'll begin to see and experience yourself for who you really are. (pg.21)

Spirit Soul Body - Andrew Wommack - Chapter 2

What follows is a summary of the main points Andrew Wommack makes in chapter 1 of his book "Spirit, Soul, and Body."  Chapter 2 is entitled "Release What You've Already Got"  Mr. Wommack makes the following assertions:

1. People who don't understand that the change (salvation) took place in their spirit and has to work its way out into their souls and bodies are usually quite disappointed. (pg. 9)

2. Everything you'll ever need in the Christian life is already present in its entirety in your spirit......... Your spirit is - right now - as perfect, mature, and complete as Jesus Himself. (pg. 9)

3. When your soul comes int o alignment with what it sees in God's spiritual mirror, what's already in your spirit releases into your soul and body.  That's how you experience the benefits of your salvation. (pg. 10) 

4. If your spirit and your soul agree, you experience the life of God. (pg. 10)

5. Most people don't recognize the fact that their spirit is the core of their being. (pg. 11) James 2:26 

6. Even though you have the resurrection life of God in your spirit, your soul can keep it shut off so that not one drop  of life-giving power ever touches your physical body. (pg.13)

7. When your soul agrees with your spirit, the life of God in you will manifest itself in your physical body. You'll experience healing, deliverance, anointing, victory, power, joy, prosperity-on and on it goes. (pg. 14)

8. The truth is that old things passed away, and all things became new in your spirit the moment you were born again. Now, everything you'll ever need in your Christian life is already there. Just renew your mind and release it. (pg. 14)

9. The Christian life isn't a process of "getting from God." Instead, it's a process of renewing my mind and learning to release what I've already received. It's much easier to release something I've already got than to go get something I don't yet have." (pg 15)  

Spirit Soul & Body - Andrew Wommack - Chapter 1

What follows is a summary of the main points Andrew Wommack makes in chapter 1 of his book "Spirit, Soul, and Body."  Chapter 1 is entitled "God's Mirror."  Mr. Wommack makes the following assertions:

1. Even though the bible clearly teaches that we are three-part beings (body, soul, and spirit), very few Christians practice a functional understanding of spirit, soul, and body in their everyday lives. (pg. 1)

2. Your spirit is your innermost part, not our "rational soul." (pg. 1)

3. Mr. Wommack defines our soul as being our mind, will, emotions and conscience. (pg. 2) 

4. We cannot feel your spirit because it can't be accessed in any natural way. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. (John 3:6)......You simply cannot contact your spirit through your emotions or your physical body. (pg. 3)

5. If you want to know what your spirit is like, you must find out from the Word. You can't just go by emotion or some other type of perception. God's Word is spirit and life. (pg. 4) 

6. When you look into the Bible, you behold yourself in the spirit. God's Word is a spiritual mirror. (James 1:23-25) (pg. 4)

7. Although Christ's atonement provided for you physically, your body has not yet been saved. It's been purchased, but not yet redeemed. (1 Cor. 15:53) (pg. 6)

8. Soul salvation happens when an emotionally discouraged and mentally defeated Christian starts believing God's Word and then experiences victory, peace, and joy again. (pg. 6)

9. Your soul can be transformed now to the degree you renew your mind, change your attitudes, and conform your values to the Word of God. (pg. 7)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Fruitful Life: Loving God and Loving Others

Living in the United States of America is a blessing and a curse.  On one hand, citizens of the United States are afforded many opportunities that non US citizens aren't, however, the culture within the US can easily make one self-centered: only concerned about 'me, myself and I.'  

Christians are not to have such a mindset.  The mindset Christians should have is spelled out in Matthew 22:37-40.  It says.... "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." As a Christian in today's American culture, it is not easy to obey this passage of scripture because it is counter-cultural!  Nevertheless, it is vital that Christians take heed to this instruction. Why? A fruitful life from God's perspective, cannot be experienced apart from Him, and making Him a priority is the beginning of fruitfulness.  When Christ is the center of your life, you can then begin to love others. Unfortunately, for many, themselves, other people, or their jobs are the center of their lives and not Jesus Christ. You can tell who/what is at the center of a person's life when trial and adversity comes.  Jesus is either at the center, or he isn't. The old hymn encapsulates it well 'on Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.' Scripture is clear that the Christian's priority ought to be loving and serving Jesus.  Secondly, loving/knowing God (being in relationship with him, thinking about him, meditating on his word etc) empowers us to love others.  (our neighbor - husband, wife, kids, friends, extended family members etc.) First John 4:8 says, whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.  In other words, the result of knowing and being in relationship with God, who is a priority in your life, is LOVING OTHERS. If God is love, and God is in us, God's love should naturally exude from us.

Is living for Christ your priority? If not, I want to encourage you to make serving him your number one priority. In Mathew 10:39 Jesus says 'whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.'  Don't be deceived, the big house, car, the dream job etc. is not living a spiritually fruitful life.  Being a disciple of Jesus Christ and loving others unconditionally is truly living the fruitful life.   

Monday, August 1, 2011

Busyness or Authentic Devotion

Luke 10:38 - As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a siter called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me! "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it wil not be taken away from her."

This passage of scripture speaks a couple of things to me:

1. We cannot be so busy doing things for Jesus that we do not spend any time with him. We must be careful to not let our service to Christ degenerate into mere busywork that is no longer full of devotion to God.

2. Don't assess the value or quality of another's service unto the Lord, we are not God. Martha judged her sister Mary, and went as far to tell Jesus to tell her sister to help her with preparations. Jesus set her straight by telling her, Mary has chosen what is better. Our responsibilites should not consistently prevent us from being hospitable, loving, and kind to people. If we are too busy for God and people in general, we are simply too busy.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


My prayer today is less of me, and more of you! I decrease so that YOU can increase!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Prayer - A New Perspective

Isn't it interesting how God sometimes allows life's circumstances to DRIVE us to our knees, however, we often see prayer as a last resort, but I think God may be trying to change our perspective by seeing prayer as the most potent tool/act that can transform ours and others difficult circumstance.